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What is immersion Tin PCBs? Mounting Methods 2023

Views: 1544 Author: Site Editor Publish Time: 2023-05-31 Origin: Site

An immersion tin process uses electroless methods to deposit a thin layer of tin on a immersion tin pcb's copper surface. The tin layer helps prevent corrosion and enhances solderability. As an alternative to other surface finishing methods such as hot air solder leveling (HASL), this method is lead-free.

Immersion tin is a relatively new process, and it has not yet become as popular as HASL. However, its environmental benefits and its ability to produce high quality finishes are making it increasingly popular.

A coating is applied to the board - a solder mask, which sometimes needs to be removed in order to carry out repair work, upgrade the board or refine it.

To completely remove the solder mask from the surface, several methods are used.

· Dissolution.

· Flaking.

· Cleaning and grinding.

· Heat treatment.

· Micro jet cleaning.

Depending on the board and the applied solder mask, one of the listed methods can be used to effectively and efficiently remove the coating from various types of boards. It is worth noting that the double-sided immersion tin pcb and working with it requires an advanced level of skill, as well as a high level of compliance.

Production of double-sided immersion tin pcb

In order to ensure high-quality, reliable and uninterrupted operation of equipment, it is necessary to use a board. Thanks to the use of the board, it is possible to compactly arrange all the necessary electronic elements, making the process of assembling equipment easier, and the equipment less cumbersome and more functional.

  immersion Tin PCBs

In order for a double-sided immersion tin pcb to be produced, it is necessary to create it in a special Gerber format, as well as correctly compose a document and generate a file.

The prepared file must contain:

1. parameters and dimensions of the immersion tin pcb;

2. the color of the applied marking of the mask to protect the board;

3. the number of layers, as well as the sequence of their creation;

4. final coating option;

5. the need for mechanical processing.

It should be noted that the experienced and qualified company "Victory PCB" is engaged in the creation and manufacture of boards for devices of varying complexity. If you have ideas and a developed concept, then our specialists with extensive experience are ready to realize the tasks set, as well as create a high-quality and reliable board according to the specified parameters.

If necessary, specialists will create in a special program, both a prototype and a real model of the board for its production in large volumes or for specific tasks.

How to produce quality immersion tin PCB?

To produce a quality board that meets the requirements and expectations, modern technologies are used, thanks to which the gaps between the conductors are only 0.1 mm, and the drilling holes are only 0.3 mm.

In order for a double-sided immersion tin pcb to be produced on time and without modifications, it is necessary to responsibly treat the issuance of a technical assignment so that you do not have to modify immersion tin pcbs, waste time, effort and additional finances.

It is worth noting that it is duplex printing that requires special attention, since layers are applied alternately on it. Therefore, its completion requires a lot of effort.

To produce a stack that does not interfere with the signal wires and allows you to make the board perfect, you need to think through each given parameter and check the correctness of the calculations.

The company is pleased to announce that it also provides a PCB rush service, which allows the procedure to be completed several times faster with an additional fee. You can order expedited PCB production 2 or 3 times faster than normal production times.

A coating forms on the surface of the immersion tin pcb, which must be removed. If the immersion tin pcb is to be finalized and its further repair is planned, in this case it is necessary to remove such a coating as a solder mask.

You can remove the mask using several methods:

● Method of dissolution - this method can be used for boards;

● peeling method - this option can be applied to all immersion tin pcbs;

● Thermal method - can also be used for any immersion tin pcbs,

● microjet method - applicable to any type of immersion tin pcbs.

For all cards, regardless of how the mask is removed, the skill level should be advanced and compliance should be high.

Manufacture and supply of immersion tin pcbs

The main and important element of an electrical device is a immersion tin pcb due to the fact that all electronic elements are installed on it. At the same time, its overall size and overall dimensions are reduced, and the assembly process becomes faster and easier.

Before starting production, all the necessary files for the manufacturer are initially prepared. Therefore, the customer must provide files in Gerber format, and also be sure exactly what parameters the immersion tin pcb must comply with.

The client also needs to decide:

● with the color and marking of the protective mask;

● thick textolite;

● number of layers;

● sequence of layers;

● final coating;

● the need for machining.

If it is not possible to design a future board, but if you have an idea about it and future requirements, our company's employees can help with the design, manufacture and supply of immersion tin pcbs.

Specialists can prototype a immersion tin pcb by creating it using unique programs. If necessary, the approved board can be prepared for mass production.

Before ordering the manufacture and supply of immersion tin pcbs of a new design, it is required to prepare a project. To find the optimal arrangement of elements, a layout is created and tested, making the necessary changes to the circuit. The task is facilitated by the use of special circuit boards.

Two types of mounting (prototyping) boards are popular:

· solderless;

· printed (for soldering).

Each of the options has its own advantages; the choice depends on the preferences of the developer and the specifics of the project.

Solderless Prototyping Boards

On the top surface of the solderless circuit board, there are a large number of holes with contact connectors for installing electronic components. The hole pitch is standard - 2.54 mm, this makes it possible to use microcircuits in DIP packages, transistors. The size of the connectors allows the use of wires and contacts with a diameter of up to 0.7 mm.

The connectors are interconnected - 5 pieces in vertically arranged rows. There may be power buses - their connectors occupy horizontal lines along the entire length of the board, the minus is indicated by a blue line, the plus is red. Buses and connectors are metal contacts located on the back of the board under a protective sticker.

Solderless breadboards vary in size (number of contact points), can be modular - several small boards can be combined into a whole. For ease of installation, a coordinate grid is usually applied to the board.

Electronic components are installed in solderless board connectors and connected by jumpers. 

Immersion tin pcbs for prototyping

The device of mounting immersion tin pcbs is similar to conventional PCBs. Single-sided and double-sided prototyping boards are available. They can have a standard pattern (for creating devices on microcircuits) or a grid of holes.

 Holes (with or without contact pads) are spaced in 2.54 mm increments. There are boards with holes and a pattern at the same time. Soldering is used to install electronic components on mounting immersion tin pcbs, to connect them to jumpers and to each other.

Although breadboard PCBs are more difficult to use, they have an important advantage: they allow you to create the final PCB layout that will be used on a permanent board. 

Prototyping makes it possible to assemble a working PCB model, check the board's performance, eliminate deficiencies and provide an optimized design to a company that manufactures and supplies immersion tin pcbs.

About The Author

I am the Engineering and Sales supervisor working in Victorypcb from 2015. During the past years, I have been reponsible for all oversea exhibitions like USA(IPC Apex Expo), Europe(Munich Electronica) and Japan(Nepcon) etc. Our factory founded in 2005, now have 1521 clients all over the world and occupied very good reputation among them.


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